
"Both Sides Now"

心情影響了聽音樂的品味,近來忽然愛上了聽"Both Sides Now",這首收錄在"Love Actually"Soundtrack內的一曲,經搜尋之下,原來是Joni Mitchell(著名Jazz樂手)1968年的名曲,前部份緩慢低迴,你幾乎聽不到歌詞,但從歌聲濃厚的感情,帶來像是有甚麼在空氣醞釀的氣氛,或許以我文筆未能好好形容,故從網上找來歌詞(也有好事之徒的中文翻譯)

《Both Sides Now》
By "Joni Mitchell"

Bows and flows of angel hair 有天使如波浪般的長髮飄動
And ice cream castles in the air 也有如霜淇淋般的空中城堡
And feather canyons everywhere 飄散四處的羽毛將大街妝點得多彩多姿
I've looked at cloud that way 這是我觀察天上雲朵漂浮的方法之一
But now they only block the sun 然而現在雲兒漸漸遮住了太陽
They rain and snow on everyone 在走過的每個人身上灑下雨滴與雪花
So many things I would have done 其實有很多夢想早就可以完成
But clouds got in my way 只是雲兒擋住了我前面的路

I've looked at clouds from both sides now 這就是我看待雲兒的兩種方式
From up and down, and still somehow 從上看從下看 也或許還有其他欣賞的方式
it's cloud illusions I recall 但這就是我能從雲朵漂浮看到的景象
I really don't know clouds at all 我想 其實我根本不懂雲的心情

Moons and Junes and ferry wheels 月亮、六月與摩天輪
The dizzy dancing way you feel 也就像你在狂舞時感到的頭暈目眩
As every fairy tale comes real 如同每個成真的童話故事
I've looked at love that way 這就是我看待愛情的方式
But now it's just another show 但如今它只是另一場表演
You leave 'em laughing when you go 你在眾人的笑聲中離去
And if you care, don't let them know如果你在乎,別讓他們知道
Don't give yourself away 別洩漏了你的心事
Tears and fears and feeling proud, 淚水、恐懼與驕傲
to say "I love you" right out loud 這是我大聲喊出「愛妳」時的心情
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds 夢想、計劃和馬戲表演
I've looked at life that way 這就是現在我看待人生的方式
But now old friends are acting strange 熟悉的老朋友也開始感覺陌生起來
They shake their heads, they say I've changed他們搖了搖頭 說我早已不是原來的我
Something's lost but something's gained 但老實說 當你得到了某些東西你也必定會失去一些
in living every day 這就是我們每天生活的戲碼

I've looked at love from both sides now 我從正反兩面看著愛情
From win and lose 從贏與輸的角度
And still somehow it's love's illusions I recall 但我記得那畢竟是愛的幻影
I really don't know love at all 我還是不懂愛情
I've looked at clouds from both sides now 這就是我看待雲兒的兩種方式
From up and down, and still somehow 從上看從下看 也或許還有其他欣賞的方式
it's cloud illusions I recall 但這就是我能從雲朵漂浮看到的景象
I really don't know clouds at all 我想 其實我根本不懂雲的心情

聽後,尤其喜愛尾段的色士風,像是一種豁達的迴響。這首歌像是紅酒一樣,要經浸淫、洗練,像是要經歷甚麼似的才聽出味道,這意境就像坐在Coffee Shop內,妳對我嫣然一笑,眼裡像有千言萬語似的。

2 則留言:



匿名 說...

Your lyrics are not correct, and the translate is not good. You'd better to find the correct version of lyrics. This is a song which deserved a correct lyrics.